Jordan's Story
Jordan Davis was a 17-year-old student at Samuel Wolfson High School in Jacksonville, Florida when he was murdered over loud music.

Jordan had just celebrated Thanksgiving with his family, sharing with them gratitude and hopes for the future. He called many of his friends that day to wish them a happy holiday and to meet at the mall on Black Friday, November 23, 2012.
After a trip to the mall, he was in the backseat of a SUV enjoying his music with his friends as they pulled into a gas station at 7:30pm. Michael Dunn, who then parked next to them, demanded they turn down their music. A verbal argument ensued and Dunn shot and killed Jordan Davis over LOUD MUSIC.
Even though no physical contact was made between Mr. Dunn and the kids, who didn’t even get out of the car, Michael Dunn fired his weapon multiple times at the four unarmed teenagers killing our son Jordan Davis, again over “LOUD MUSIC.”
Jordan’s unnecessary, tragic loss has shocked and rallied the community and nation. Your support has unlimited potential.
Thank you for your support!

"Jordan was a kid who was trying to grow.
He thought he was safe in America."
- Ron Davis, Jordan's father